How to Kill Flies: The Ultimate Guide You Need

If you’re being bugged by pests and need to know how to kill flies, look no further. We’ll outline some of the most effective and most convenient ways to get rid of them.

What Do Flies Look Like

As you already found out, you got to identify the enemy, in order to eradicate the population and get rid of this problem< for good. Here are some aspects that help you identify the fly and even distinguish between types:

Types of Flies

The flies, also called Diptera, are a large class of insects, as there are about 120.000 types of flies. You need to know who are you going to kill, because you need different weapons for each of the types.

As you can imagine, it is impossible to list all the species here. This is why we are going to talk about the most common types of flies.

So to say, we’ll list those flies most people encounter in their living area. Let’s meet the stars of our story:

House fly

What Do Flies Look Like

This is the most common type. These flies love all types of food, but also feces. It carries numerous bacteria and you shouldn’t neglect the danger of letting them flying around.

The adult house fly is about 5-8 mm long and it has transparent wings. It is black or dark blue with big red eyes. On the thorax, the house fly has 4 narrow stripes. The body is covered with hairs, used as taste organs.

Fruit fly/vinegar fly/drain fly

What Do Flies Look Like

These flies are tiny. They are yellow-brown colored and have red eyes. It breeds very fast and can be bound around compost or very ripe fruit.

Cluster fly

What Do Flies Look Like

This type is the most common flies that can be found in attics during winter. They use to congregate and stay in groups when the autumn comes.

They are about 6-10mm long, black coloured with a yellowy sheen on their thorax and have red eyes. When flying, they are very slow.

Blow fly

What Do Flies Look Like

Larger than house flies, blow flies have shinny body, being metallic blue, bronze or green coloured. Their wings are transparent.

They are attracted by decaying animal bodies and wet garbage.

Fungus gnats

What Do Flies Look Like

They are tiny, black colored, resembling small mosquitoes regarding the shape only. They stay around potted plants.

Horse fly

What Do Flies Look Like

One of the largest types, the horse fly has dark grey body with some black markings on the wings. They are metallic green-eyed.

Horse fly females feed themselves on blood from mammals. Their bite is very painful both for animals and humans.

Life Cycle

If you are dealing with some sort of flies, it is very useful to learn about their life cycle. Why? Well, this can help you control the population and get rid of it.

The fly’s life cycle has four phases: egg→ larva → pupa → adult. Still there are some specific characteristics for each of the types. Check the list below to learn them!

House Fly

  • A complete life-cycle can vary between 10 and 21 days.
  • A female is able to lay about 500 eggs in three to four days.
  • The eggs are white colored and tiny.
  • Eggs need up to 20 hours to reach the larva stage (in this stage the flies are also called maggots).
  • Maggots grow fast and eat any food they can found.
  • Maggots make some sort of cocoon and metamorphose into pupae.
  • The pupa phase lasts between 3 and 6 days.
  • The adult fly lives for 15 to 30 days.

Fruit Fly

  • The life-cycle lasts 40 to 50 days.
  • Multiply rapidly.
  • The female lays 1-20 eggs at a go.
  • The egg and larval phases last about 8 days.
  • The adult fruit fly.

Cluster Flies

  • There can be at least 3-4 generations per season.
  • Lay eggs on soil where earthworms can be found.
  • Eggs hatch in just three days.
  • Maggots penetrate earthworms to complete the larval phase (13-22 days).
  • Pupa leaves the earthworm and moves into soil, until it reaches the adult stage.

Blow Fly

  • A female can lay about 2000 eggs in a lifespan.
  • They deposit eggs on decaying animal remains.
  • Eggs hatch in about 12 hours.
  • Larvae feed on decomposing animal material.
  • To form pupae, larvae burrow in soil, leaving the food source.

Fungus Gnat

  • Adult females deposit up to 200 eggs singly.
  • They lay eggs where fungus can be found.
  • Eggs hatch in 3-6 days.
  • Adults live for about 8 days.
  • The life cycle depends on the temperature.

Horse Flies

  • They lay egg near a water source, on gravles or vegetation.
  • The larval phase lasts from one to three years.
  • Then, to pupate, the larvae borrow in water or in moist soil.
  • Pupal process can last between 6 and 12 days.

Signs of Fly Infestation

Flies spread lots of disease, so be careful to spot any possible population that may have clustered in your house. Make sure to make distinction between just a few buzzing flies and a true population.

Let’s discover together some signs of fly infestation:

  • Plenty of flies flying around or all over your house.
  • Clusters of flies inside garbage bins or in curtains.
  • Dead flies on the floor or carpet.
  • Clusters of fly eggs.

Still don’t have a clue? Call a professional!

How Do You Get Them

If you wonder what causes the fly infestation and how do you get the flies, here are the reasons:

  • The main cause is poor sanitation. This is because flies are attracted by garbage, animal feces and any other food sources.
  • Food left uncovered.
  • Your garbage bins may not be well disposed.
  • Common flies are usually attracted to decomposing organic material.
  • Fruit flies are attracted to sugary substances, like overripe fruit.

Why Do Flies Come in Our Homes

To properly take care of the problem, you should firstly know what drags the flies into your house.

Well, flies love dirt, garbage, farces and any other area where bacteria throw up a party. Of course, flies will also enjoy the food in your home, if you leave it uncovered. Even they seek food, or they detected some and came for it, these flying bugs must be stopped!

Fortunately, there are some tips, tricks and DIY recipes you can use to leave your place.

What Kill Flies

  1. Chemicals. If you prefer chemical products, then the problem will be solved quickly. Here is a fly repellent you can buy from Amazon
  2. Organic pest control spray. You can choose it, to protect your children or pets. Here is a product you can find on Amazon.
  3. Homemade traps. Buy it here.
  4. Fly ribbons. These sticky ribbons work great and you can find them on Amazon.
  5. Hairspray. Yep! That’s right! Some puffs will make flies’ hairs stay in place forever... And not only their hairs... Oups!

How to Kill Flies

Most of us don’t give flies much thought until they’re buzzing around in our homes or overrunning our yards and their incessant buzzing becomes impossible to ignore.

There are countless ways to take care of the situation, from making your own traps to hiring professional help, but not all options are equal.

If you’re being bugged by pests and need to know how to kill flies, look no further. We’ll outline some of the most effective and most convenient ways to get rid of them.

Homemade Solutions

DIY options are simple to make and everything you need is likely already in your kitchen. The materials used are all non-toxic which makes them safe for homes with pets or small children.

1. Dish Soap and Vinegar Trap

Despite the old adage, vinegar is more popular than honey when it comes to DIY traps. Once the vinegar lures them in, the flies (especially fruit flies) get caught inside the trap and the dish soap kills them.

The small size of this trap means it doesn’t take up much counter or shelf space so you can place it just about anywhere.

  • Find a container like a disposable coffee cup or yogurt container. Fill it about an inch deep with apple cider vinegar.
  • Add a splash of fruit-scented dish soap. If you don’t use fruit-scented dish soap, add a bit of fruit juice with whatever dish soap you have.
  • Swish the liquid around a bit so it coats the sides. The soap will make them difficult to climb.
  • Cut a small hole in the lid, about the size of a nickel. Place the lid on the container.
  • Put the trap wherever you have flies.

2. Bottle Trap

It’s like a window; flies can effortlessly enter an open window but then struggle to get back out. Simple bait draws flies into this trap and the shape causes them stuck inside. Because this trap is larger, it’s perfect for setting next to garbage bins in the garage or under the sink.

  • Find a large plastic juice or soda bottle and cut it in half widthwise. Make sure you cut it across the widest part, not higher up where it narrows. Discard the lid.
  • Fill the bottom of the bottle about 2 inches deep with liquid. Apple cider vinegar or juice is ideal.
  • Flip the top half and place it inside the bottom. The neck of the bottle will be pointing downward and there should be at least an inch of space between the bottle opening and the liquid. If there isn’t, empty out a bit of the liquid.
  • Secure the two parts using tape.
  • Put the trap wherever you have flies.

3. Dish Soap and Vinegar Spray

Unlike the traps, this solution involves a more active role on your part but allows you to target flies as you see them. Flies you’ve sprayed won’t be able to take off with wet wings and the ingredients in the liquid will kill them.

  • Put a small drop of dish soap and 3 tablespoons of white vinegar in a spray bottle.
  • Add a cup of water to the bottle and shake it to combine the ingredients.
  • Use the spray on flies in your home. The easiest way is to wait until a fly lands and then spray it while it’s in one spot.

4. DIY Recipes.

Here is one example:

  • Lemongrass essential oil (20-25 drops)
  • Hot water (a half cup).

How to prepare it: Mix the ingredients and pour the solution into a bottle with atomizer. Spray the infested areas, but it is also useful for prevention. So, spray around doors and windows of your house.

Store-bought Products

If you don’t have the necessary materials for DIY traps at home or don’t have the time to put something together, buying a fly-killing product might be more convenient for you.

4. Fly Ribbon

How to Kill Flies

Inexpensive, very effective, and disposable, fly ribbon is one of the most popular store-bought options. Simply remove the roll from the box, unravel, and hang it in an area flies tend to hang around. When they land on the strip they’ll get stuck and won’t be able to escape.

5. Window Stickers

How to Kill Flies

Window fly traps are often successful since they’re in a place that flies tend to gravitate to naturally. Window stickers are among the easiest window traps to use.

Some products are totally transparent sheets of tacky plastic while others have images of flowers or fruit printed on them. Like fly paper, stickers are a low-cost product that are simple to set up and can be thrown out when you’re through with them.

6. Decorative Traps

For those having an ongoing fly problem but who hate seeing sticky paper and DIY traps around their home, a decorative trap might be a worthwhile investment.

Most of the wall sconce traps use ultraviolet light to draw in the pests and have replaceable glue boards inside to trap them silently. It’s a more expensive option but is available for those looking for something more aesthetically pleasing.

Outdoor Options

Most of the options listed so far can be used both indoors and outdoors, but there are also some products that are made specifically for use outside.

7. Fly Bait

As the name suggests, fly bait is meant to attract flies and it’s quite effective at doing so. Flies inevitably eat the bait and are killed very quickly as a result.

It’s a product that works incredibly well but isn’t suitable for use in areas where there are pets or kids.

8. Fly Bags

How to Kill Flies

Bag traps typically work very similarly to DIY traps. Essentially, flies are drawn into the bag using an attractant and aren’t able to find their way back out.

Many varieties are designed to kill large numbers of flies (typically in the thousands) so they’re great for areas with a lot of them around. They’re very simple to set up, inexpensive, and the bags can be thrown out when you’re done with them.

When All Else Fails…

Sometimes, despite our best efforts and trying all kinds of products, it’s just not enough to take care of the problem. For a home with a lot of flies, sprays and traps might not be enough.

If you suspect there might be an infestation or you’re still seeing a consistently large number of flies, consider calling a professional. They’re experts in locating the source of the problem and finding a solution that will resolve the issue.

Treatment Cost

Of course, the flying issue can also make us worry about the treatment cost. In order to get rid of flies, you have to choose from a variety of treatments. This means that the prices vary too. Still, we can split the costs in three categories:

  • DIY treatment cost: it is a fluctuant price. It can be cheaper of more expensive, depending on the ingredients you use. So, these treatment cost up to $35, but they require time, patience and skills.
  • Chemical products: the prices start from $7.

If you go for some professional help, the cost is higher. Hence, hiring an exterminator means you need to pay up to $250. Quite a fortune, for some tiny buzzing creatures, but you won’t have to lift a finger. The job will be done quickly, professional and effortless for you.

How to Prevent Them

  • Of course, the most important measure is to sanitize your home. Keep the place cleaned up and diminish the chances to get flies!
  • Grow plants with strong scent, like lavender, mint or basil. You can put them in pots and place them in your kitchen, as this is the favourite room of the flies. Mine too!
  • Another trick is to move the garbage bins outside. Yes, it can be difficult, but you need to make sacrifices to get rid of flies.
  • All the members of your family have to be responsible and clean after they eat. Don’t allow your kids to leave the table full of leftovers or crumbs.
  • Moreover, the pet food is also an attractant. This is why you must keep it covered, as it is very attractive even when it’s dry.
  • Make sure to screen your windows and to keep the doors close.
  • Cover all existent openings into your house: caulk the windows and any other possible places flies could enter through.

Please remember that this is not a joke. Flies are a real danger, because of the many diseases they carry. So, fly control is highly recommended and we all should rise the degree of sanitation and hygiene. If you want to find out more advice on getting rid of flies, check this article here.


From traps and stickers to baits and bags, you’ve got plenty of options to consider when you’ve got a fly problem. So don’t worry! Now that you’ve learned how to kill flies in several different ways, you’re one step closer to being free of those buzzing pests.